Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Swimming for Myeloma UK

When I'm not writing, I'm swimming, so I've decided to take on a challenge for charity! 

In November I plan to swim a cumulative marathon, one mile in 26 different pools across London, to raise funds for Myeloma UK. A good friend of mine was diagnosed four years ago and the charity have been a huge help to her ever since. 

Here’s the link to my Just Giving page, any sponsorship you’re able to give would be amazing, if you can of course :)

You can find out more about Myeloma UK and the amazing work they do here:  

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Messy Goes to OKIDO transmission

Another of my Messy Goes to OKIDO episodes airs today at 4.20pm on CBeebies. It's all about 'Wiggly Worms'! 

Thursday, 12 May 2016

More Messy Goes to OKIDO!

One of my Messy Goes to Okido episodes aired yesterday on CBeebies, you can catch it on iPlayer. It's called 'Funny Bones' and it features a sausage dog called Mustard, who is mega cute!