Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Bournemouth University Degree Show 2011 - a big success!

The Screenwriting Degree Show 2011 for the graduates for the BA Scriptwriting for Television and Film, MA Screenwriting and MA Writing for the Media took place on Monday at the sophisticated and stylish Courthouse Hotel in Soho, Central London.
The event was well attended by production companies and agents, as well as past and present students and lecturers.
Professional actors, directed by Darren Bransford, acted out by extracts from graduates’ scripts. The mixture of comedy and drama extracts was well received. The clips reel of trailers of produced work included everything from short films to animation to live action children’s TV. The audience was very impressed by the professional quality of the clips.
Kevin Whately brought an air of celebrity to the evening. He gave a very moving tribute to Alan Plater, the prolific screenwriting who died last year. He relayed his memories of Alan to the audience and told stories of working with him through the years. He told us that ‘Alan would have been very impressed by the high standard of work being showcased this evening.’ He then handed over to Shirley Plater, Alan’s wife, to present the Alan Plater Prize for Screenwriting to the students who gained the highest marks in the final projects across the four courses. The awards went to Louis Ackerman from BA Screenwriting, myself & Tim Wakeman (joint winners), MA Screenwriting and Graeme Cormie, MA Writing for the Media.
David Rose, producer of Z Cars and My Beautiful Laundrette and much more besides, was also in attendance. He spoke to the audience about the importance of keeping Alan Plater’s legacy alive. He hoped that in ten years time the award would still be received by students who were aware of his work.
After the showcase everyone gathered in the bar for drinks, nibbles and networking. Many business cards were exchanged and connections were made between graduates and the industry. So watch this space for the next big thing from a Bournemouth University screenwriting graduate!

Monday, 14 March 2011

BU Screenwriting Degree Show

The BU degree show for last years graduates of the BA and MA Screenwriting and the MA Writing for the Media, which I have helped organise, is in two weeks time on 28th March at 6pm in the Courthouse Hotel, 19-21 Great Marlborough St, Soho.
We have chosen seven 5 minute extracts to be acted out by professional actors and four short clips of produced work to be played as a clips reel. The promo for Button Box Tales will be shown.
Shirley Plater will present the Alan Plater prize in memory of Alan to the four students who gained the highest marks in their final projects. One of which is me! :)
The email invites went out on Friday and we're hoping to attract lots of industry folk to come down and take a look at our work, and hang around afterwards for a couple of drinks and some networking.
We've managed to raise some sponorship through Turner and also the Ark Post Productions, so we're hoping this year will be a good one!